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  • Click here for an excellent set of resources for primary and EYFS trainee teachers on the importance of eSafety by ITTE (The Association for Information Technology in Teacher Education)
  • Schools highly recommend the NSPCC work on eSafety. Click here to access school support packages and outstanding resources to use
  • ThinkUKnow is the education programme of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) aimed at young people. SSF SCITT highly recommend using this website. The education programme consists of a presentation, which is given to young people in schools and other youth environments, a website aimed directly at young people, which also contains information for teachers and parents, a number of hard-hitting education films designed to make young people think about whom they are talking to online, and other resources including posters and a range of promotional material. It is based around three key themes:
    • How to have fun
    • How to stay in control (or how to take control)
    • How to report a problem