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Rebecca Brookes - Deputy Head

I trained through the Surrey South Farnham SCITT programme in 2013/14. The combination of immersion within the classroom and the array of thorough professional studies days ensured that I was supported, challenged and motivated throughout the year to develop into an effective teacher with a passion for teaching and learning. There was an excellent balance of academic rigour and hands-on experience which equipped me and my cohort for the careers ahead of us. I was particularly inspired by my support tutor who went above and beyond to challenge me to be the best I could be.

One of the benefits of the programme is the excellent schools that it works with; schools which share South Farnham’s vision for creating inspirational Surrey teachers and future leaders. I have remained at my school ever since my placement and will be forever indebted to the programme for placing me here.

The programme laid a foundation for my career by providing me with confidence in my ability, the determination to provide the best outcomes for children and the ambition to pursue leadership: English Subject Lead in 2016, followed by Assistant Headteacher in 2018 and I have now embarked on Deputy Headship.

Rebecca Brookes
Deputy Head
Ravenscote Junior School

I am incredibly grateful to the Surrey South Farnham SCITT for the exceptional foundation that it has laid for my career.